
Kanye West, Gives his Life to Christ?? (Gospel Album)

I understand the hopeful optimism concerning the conversion of Kanye West. I simultaneously understand the reluctance of certain Christians to receive him.

There was a similar event that occurred in the Book of Acts.

When the Apostle Paul was converted on his way to Damascus, the Bible says that there were many Christians who were reluctant to accept him (Acts 9:26) – and this is because they thought it was a trick – a ploy – to deceive them. However with time, Paul’s “fruit” began to emerge and he was soon not only received by the Church – but elevated in the eyes of believers everywhere.

Similarly, can we really blame Christians today for their suspicion concerning Kanye? Considering that he not long ago gave himself the Moniker “Yeezus” – which was obviously a play on the name “Jesus” ? (not including other questionable behaviors)

BUT AGAIN, he could possibly be in the same situation as Paul – when believers were afraid to receive him.

However what is the solution?

Should we reject him? should we receive him? … OR

should we wait – to see what fruit the tree puts forth? (Luke 6:43)

Maybe we could sit him down, and clear up the confusion for the brethren of who are uncertain of his conversion. Clarifying, whether he believes that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of GOD.

The only name through which we can be reconciled to The Living GOD. The only name, that is above all names (Mohammad, Confucius, and Buddha). The only name – by which men can be saved (Acts 4:12)

… Many people would sincerely love to hear his response to such a question. And no matter what has occurred in the past – GOD knows that our arms should eagerly embrace any brother who’s answer to this statement is according to truth and who’s life brings forth the fruit (Matt 3:8)

…what do you think?

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